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"I dream my painting and then I paint my dream." Vincent van Gogh
Albers, Josef. Glass, Color & Light. Guggenheim, 1994. Little-known early works by a 20th-century colorist. Anderson, Ronald and Anne Koval. James McNeill Whistler: Beyond the Myth. New York: Carroll and Graf, 1994. Fascinating biography of a most interesting gentleman and artist. Balken, Debra Bricker. Arthur Dove: A Retrospective. MIT, 1997. This American was one of the first abstract painters. Barnes, Rachel, ed. Artists by Themselves: Cézanne, Degas, Gauguin, Matisse, Monet, Picasso, Renoir, van Gogh. Search ABEbooks Knopf, 1990, 1992. A series of eight small books, beautifully illustrated, with commentary from the writings of the artists. Barnes, Henry. A Life For The Spirit: Rudolf Steiner in the Crosscurrents of Our Time. Anthroposophic, 1997. Biography of an influential thinker in the arts and education. Becks-Malorny, Ulrike. Wassily Kandinsky. Taschen, 1994. Lavishly illustrated life and art of a leading avant garde artist. Bernard, Bruce, ed. Vincent by Himself. New York Graphic Society, 1985. Sketches, notes and paintings by Vincent van Gogh. Brettell, Richard, et al. Art of Paul Gauguin. National Gallery, 1989. Magnificent collection of works. Bry, Doris & Nicholas Calloway. Georgia O'Keeffe in the West. Knopf, 1989. My favorite of the early O'Keeffe picture books. (I'm partial to the Southwest.) Bry, Doris & Nicholas Calloway. Georgia O'Keeffe: The New York Years. Knopf, 1991. Fascinating New York views and abstractions. Buckley, Christopher. Blossoms & Bones: On the Life and Work of Georgia O'Keeffe. A small book of lovely poems. Calloway, Nicholas. Georgia O'Keeffe: One Hundred Flowers. Knopf, 1907. Gorgeous! A wonderful collection. Carr, Emily. The Complete Writings of Emily Carr. Univ. of Washington reprint, 1997. Wonderful writing and personal glimpses into the life of a Canadian icon. Cézanne by Cézanne. Search ABEbooks Knopf, 1992. One of a series of eight small books, beautifully illustrated, with commentary from the writings of the artists. Chilvers, IanThe Artist Revealed: Artists and Their Self Portraits. Thunder Bay, 2003. Fascinating book. Cohen, Arthur, ed. The New Art of Color: The Writings of Robert & Sonia Delaunay. Viking, 1978. These two emphasized the importance of color during the early 20th century. Constantino, Maria. Search ABEbooks Paul Gauguin. Barnes & Noble, 1994. A magnificent collection of Gauguin's paintings. Cooper, Douglas. Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. Abrams, 1982. A fantastic designer and painter of people in their environments. Corn, Wanda. The Art of Andrew Wyeth. New York Graphic Society, 1978. Watercolor, dry brush, and tempera paintings--a beautiful early collection. Cowart, Jack & Juan Hamilton. Georgia O'Keeffe: Art and Letters. National Gallery, 1987. Insights on O'Keeffe through her own letters to many different people. Cowart, Jack et al. Matisse in Morocco. National Gallery, 1990. Exhibition catalogue of paintings and drawings from 1912-1913. Davies, Maurice. Turner As Professor: The Artist and Linear Perspective. Tate Gallery, 1992. Commentary on Turner'ss thirty years a profesor of perspective with analysis of the lectures. Degas by Degas. Search ABEbooks Knopf, 1990. One of a series of eight small books, beautifully illustrated, with commentary from the writings of the artists. Delacroix, Eugene. Journal of Eugene Delacroix, A Selection (Arts & Letters). Phaidon, 1995. A fascinating read of the studio notes of a great artist of the 19th century. Denvir, Bernard. Vincent: The Complete Self-Portraits. Running Press, 1994. All of van Gogh's self-portraits with excerpts from his writings; a small, but wonderful, book. Driscoll & Skolnik. The Artist and the American Landscape. First Glance, 1998. Wonderful history of American landscape history, lavishly illustrated. Duchting, Hajo. Cézanne: 1839-1906, Nature Into Art. Taschen, 1999. Beautifully illustrated in color and informative text. Duchting, Hajo. Robert and Sonia Delaunay: The Triumph of Color. Search ABEbooks Taschen, 1994. Life and art of the Delaunays, colorists of the early 20th century. Eiseman, Alvord. Charles Demuth. Watson Guptill, 1982. A sympathetic portrait of a talented, sensitive painter. Eisler, Benita. O'Keeffe & Stieglitz: An American Romance. Doubleday, 1991. Dramatic relationship between two icons of modern art. Eldredge, Charles. Georgia O'Keeffe. Abrams, 1991. Excellent commentary with art arranged by subject. Eldredge, Charles. Georgia O'Keeffe: American and Modern. Yale, 1993. Catalogue of retrospective exhibition with illustrations and chronology. Ellis, Ray and Walter Cronkite. North by Northeast. Search ABEbooks. Oxmoor, 1986. Collection of watercolors of the northern coast of the US by Ray Ellis with commentary by Cronkite. Ellis, Ray and Walter Cronkite. South by Southeast. Oxmoor, 1983. Collection of watercolors of the southern coast of the US by Ray Ellis with commentary by Cronkite. Ellis, Ray and Walter Cronkite. Westwind. Oxmoor, 1990. Collection of watercolors of the West coast from Washington to California by Ray Ellis with commentary by Cronkite. Escher, M.C. Escher On Escher: Exploring the Infinite. Abrams, 1989. Escher is always intriguing with his complex designs and patterns. Esten, John. John Sargent: Painting Out-of-doors. Universe, 2000. Sargent's outdoor paintings are among his most fresh and spontaneous. Here's the interesting story behind the paintings. Faille, J.B. Works of Vincent van Gogh. Wofsy Fine Arts, 1970. Annotated edition of catalogue raisoneée, still available. Flam, Jack D. Matisse on Art. E. P. Dutton, 1978. A wonderful collection of Matisse writings. I've read it over and over. Fine, Ruth. The Art of Romare Bearden. National Gallery, 2004. A great collage artist of the twentieth century. Fuertes, Louis Agassiz. The Singular Beauty of Birds: Paintings, Drawings, Letters. Harper & Row, 1971. One of the best of the bird painters, in my opinion. Galassi, Susan Gracae. Picasso's Variation on the Masters: Confrontations With the Past. Abrams, 1996. Fascinating sketches and interpretations in Picasso's work that relate to specific paintings of the Masters. Gaugh, Harry. Franz Kline: The Vital Gesture. Cincinnati Art Museum, 1994. Exhibition catalogue of retrospective of works by this Abstract Expressionist painter. Gauguin by Gauguin. Search ABEbooks Knopf, 1992. One of a series of eight small books, beautifully illustrated, with commentary from the writings of the artists. Gerstner, Karl. Spirit of Colors: The Art Of Karl Gerstner. MIT, 1981. A wonderful contemporary way with color. Gilot, Françoise. Life With Picasso. Anchor, 1989. A revealing biography of the artist's life with one of his many women. Goldberg, Natalie. Living Color: A Writer Paints Her World. Bantam, 1997. See how a writer expresses her creativity wonderfully in paint. Goodman, Cynthia. Hans Hofmann. Abbeville, 1986. A wonderful book on a fascinating artist, colorist and teacher. Goodrich, Lloyd. Edward Hopper. Abradale, 1993. A picture book of Hopper's beautiful watercolors and oils, large format (huge!). Gordon, Robert, et al. Degas. Abrams, 1991. Beautiful book on the life and art of a master--oils, pastels, sculpture. Gorman, R.C. The Radiance of My People. Santa Fe Fine Arts, 1992. A colorful collection with Gorman's commentary. Graham, Martha. Blood Memory: An Autobiography. Doubleday, 1991. One of the most influential women artists, a dancer, of the twentieth century. Lots of photographs. Haftmann, Werner. The Mind and Work of Paul Klee. Search ABEbooks Praeger, 1967. Biography and analysis of work. Hagerty, Donald. Desert Dreams: The Art & Life of Maynard Dixon. Gibbs Smith, 1998. A painter of strong shapes, powerful design in landscape. Halperin, Joan. Felix Feneon: Aesthete & Anarchist in Fin-de-Siecle Paris. Yale, 1988. Fascinating story of the anarchist art critic who promoted Seurat. Hamilton, James. Turner and the Scientists. Tate Gallery, 1998. Turner's art in the industrial revolution. Haskell, Barbara. Arthur Dove. Search ABEbooks New York Graphic Society, 1974. Exhibition Catalogue. Haskell, Barbara. Georgia O'Keeffe: Works on Paper. Museum of New Mexico, 1985. Early watercolors and later pastels. Hassrick, Peter H., ed. The Georgia O'Keeffe Museum. Abrams, 1997. Contains some reproductions that haven't been seen anywhere else. Hedgpeth, Don. Traildust: The Art of James Reynolds. Artisan Press, 1997. Cowboys, cattle and country--not to mention color, color, color! Hill, Charles. The Group of Seven: Art for a Nation. McClelland & Stewart, 1996. Good collection with information on these outstanding Canadian artists. Hobbs, Robert. Milton Avery. Hudson Hills, 1990. I like this artist for his striking designs with big shapes and people. Hogrefe, Jeffrey. O'Keeffe: The Life of an American Legend. Bantam, 1992. Unbalanced biography with a strange twist. Homer, William Innes. Seurat & the Science of Painting. Hacker, 1984. Technical study of Seurat's pointillist technique--theory and method. Hoving, Thomas. Two Worlds of Andrew Wyeth. Houghton Mifflin, 1978. An interesting written conversation by a friend of Wyeth. HRH Prince of Wales. Search ABEbooksWatercolours. Little Brown, 1991. Charming English landscapes painted by the Prince of Wales. Huffington, Arianna. Picasso: Creator and Destroyer. Simon & Schuster, 1988. A devastating portrait of a difficult artist. Jarrell, Mary. Remembering Randall. Harper Collins, 1999. A memoir of poet, critic, and teacher Randall Jarrell by his wife; very entertaining and moving. Kingman, Dong. Dong Kingman's Watercolors. Watson Guptill, 1980. Includes biographical information and more. Lee, Jane. Derain. Phaidon, 1990. A cmplete biography of one of the leading Fauve painters. Lisle, Laurie. Portrait of an Artist: Georgia O'Keeffe. Washington Square, 1997. One of my favorites among the many O'Keeffe biographies; a moving portrait of a legend. Little, Carl. Lawrence Goldsmith: A Life in Watercolor. Hudson Hills, 2004. In the top ten of my favorite contemporary watercolor painters. Livingston, Jane. The Art of Richard Diebenkorn. University of California, 1997. Good catalog of a fine exhibition. Loran, Erle. Cézanne's Composition. University of California, 1985. Analysis of his form with diagrams and photographs of Cézanne's motifs. Lynes, Barbara. O'Keeffe, Stieglitz & the Critics: 1916-1929. UMI, 1989. Looks at the critical reviews of O'Keeffe and Stieglitz's role in her promotion. Lynes, Barbara. Georgia O'Keeffe: Catalogue Raisonée. Yale, 1999. A stunning accomplishment, hours and hours of visual pleasure. Mailer, Norman. Portrait of Picasso As a Young Man : An Interpretive Biography. Atlantic, 1995. Some interesting information about the young Picasso in his formative years. Matisse by Matisse. Search ABEbooks Knopf, 1992. One of a series of eight small books, beautifully illustrated, with commentary from the writings of the artists. McMullen, Roy. Degas: His Life, Times & Work. Houghton-Mifflin, 1984. A lively biography of a great Impressionist painter. Mendoza, John & Charles Hendon. Southwest Echoes. Search ABEbooks Pikes Peak, 1979. Poetry and beautiful paintings in gouache and watercolor. Merrill & Bradbury, ed. From the Faraway Nearby: Georgia O'Keeffe as Icon. Addison-Wesley, 1992. Collected essays by 22 writers, artists and scholars. Merrill, Linda. A Pot of Paint. Smithsonian, 1992. Aesthetics on trial in Whistler v. Ruskin. Miller, Henry. The Paintings of Henry Miller: Paint As You Like & Die Happy. Chronicle, 1982. A retrospective of exuberant watercolors and etchings. Monet by Monet. Knopf, 1990. One of a series of eight small books, beautifully illustrated, with commentary from the writings of the artists. Monthan, Doris. R.C. Gorman: The Lithographs. Northland, 1978. Well illustrated collection. Morgan, Ann Lee. Arthur Dove. University of Delaware, 1984. Life and work with catalogue raisonée. Morgan, Ann Lee. Dear Stieglitz, Dear Dove. University of Delaware, 1988. Very touching insights on the friendship of colleagues. Morgan, Genevieve. Matisse: The Artist Speaks. Harper Collins, 1996. A colorful little book with wonderful quotes by Matisse. Motherwell, Robert. Collected Writings. University of California, 1992. The leading spokesman of the Abstract Expressionists has his say. Mount, Charles. Monet: A Biography. Simon & Schuster, 1966. A wonderful portrait of the man and artist. Munro, Eleanor. Originals: American Women Artists. Simon & Schuster, 1982. Recognizes the contributions of American women artists of the 20th century; a significant book on contemporary women artists. Nelson, Mary Carroll. Artists of the Spirit: Prophets in Art & Mysticism. Brotherhood of Life, 1994. In-depth profiles of artists who express the spiritual in their lives and art. Nelson, Mary Carroll. Connecting: The Art of Beth Ames Swartz. Northland, 1984. A close look at the life and art of a fascinating woman artist. Nelson, Mary Carroll. Masters of Western Art. Watson-Guptill, 1982. Covers many Western artists, their lives and art. Nelson, Mary Carroll. The Legendary Artists of Taos. Watson-Guptill, 1980. The founding of New Mexico's famous art colony and its pioneer artists. Neret, Gilles. Matisse. Taschen, 1997. Beautiful illustrations of Matisse's styles and media. Newlands, Anne. Emily Carr: An Introduction to Her Life & Art. Firefly, 1996. A fascinating artist--the Georgia O'Keeffe of Canada. O'Keeffe, Georgia. Georgia O'Keeffe. Black Dog & Leventhal, 1995. A reprint of the original written by O'Keeffe in 1976--the book that first showed me her art and point of view. O'Keeffe, Georgia. Georgia O'Keeffe: Some Memories of Drawings. University of New Mexico, 1988. Brief comments on her artwork. Parks, Stephen. R.C. Gorman: A Portrait. New York Graphic Society, 1983. Gorman's life and art. Partsch, Susanna. Paul Klee 1879-1940. Taschen, 1996. Summary of Klee's life and art--very good. Patten, Christine. Miss O'Keeffe. University of New Mexico, 1999. Touching portrait of O'Keeffe's last days. Patten, Christine & Myron Wood. O'Keeeffe at Abiquiu. Abrams, 1995. Fantastic photos of O'Keeffe in her home in New Mexico. Patterson, Freeman. Shadow Light. HarperCollins, 1996. Life of a fantastic photographer with wonderful examples of his work. Peters, Sarah Whitaker. Becoming O'Keeffe: The Eary Years. Abbeville, 1991. O'Keeffe's beginnings and influences. Picasso by Picasso. Search ABEbooks Knopf, 1992. One of a series of eight small books, beautifully illustrated, with commentary from the writings of the artists. Poling, Clark. Kandinsky's Teaching at the Bauhaus: Color Theory & Analytical Drawing. Rizzoli, 1986. Interesting look at Kandinsky's art courses at the Bauhaus in Germany. Pollitzer, Anita. A Woman on Paper: Georgia O'Keeffe. Simon & Schuster, 1988. Selected letters and reminiscences. Ranson, Ron. Watercolor Impressionists. North Light, 1989. Nice examples of contemporary American and British watercolorists, primarily landscape painters. Rathbone, Belinda, et al. Two Lives: Georgia O'Keeffe and Alfred Stieglitz. HarperCollins, 1992. A conversation in paintings and photographs. Renoir by Renoir. Knopf, 1990. One of a series of eight small books, beautifully illustrated, with commentary from the writings of the artists. Rewald, John. Seurat: A Biography. Abrams, 1990. Excellent book on Seurat, his life and art. Rewald, John. Studies in Post-Impressionism. Abrams, 1986. Theo van Gogh, Seurat, Gauguin, Redon, van Gogh and the Fauves--some little-known facts and stories. Rilke, Rainer Maria. Letters on Cézanne. Fromm, 1988. Rilke's deeply felt responses to Cézanne's paintings in the Louvre. Rivers, Larry. What Did I Do? The Unauthorized Autobiography of Larry Rivers. HarperCollins, 1992. An outrageous telling of life among the New York Abstract Expressionists. Roberts, Jane. The World View of Paul Cézanne. Buccaneer, 1997. A psychic interpretation of Cézanne. Robertson & Nestor. Artists of the Canyons & Caminos. Ancient City, 1996. Santa Fe, the early years: how Santa Fe became an important art center. Robinson, Roxanna. Georgia O'Keeffe: A Life. University Press of New England, 1999. Authoritative, well organized and very readable. Roffo, Steffano, ed. Paul Klee. Search ABEbooks. Gramercy, 1994. Illustrated life and work. Roger-Marx, Claude. Delacroix: The Great Draughtsman.. Bazilles, 1971. Drawings, watercolors and selected writings. Schama, Simon. The Power of Art. Great Britain: BBC, 2006. Caravaggio, Bernini, Rembrandt, David, Turner, van Gogh, Picasso and Rothko: their art, politics and influence. Fabulous book. Scheidig, Walther. Rembrandt's Drawings. Search ABEbooks Boston Book, 1965. Great collection of Rembrandt's drawings. Schmid, Richard. Alla Prima: Everything I Know About Painting. West Wind, 1998. A wonderful book, Schmid's techniques and philosophy rolled into one. Schmitt, Evmarie. Cézanne in Provence. Pegasus, 2000. A small collection of some of the best paintings from Aix. Seitz, William. Monet. Abrams, 1983. Life and art with color plates. Self, Dana. Intimate Landscape: The Canyon Suite of Georgia O'Keeffe. Rizzoli, 1997. The controversial collection of O'Keeffe's Texas watercolors. Selz, Jean. Turner. Crown, 1977. Life and art of J.M.W. Turner. Selz, Jean. Vlaminck. Crown, n.d. Life and art of a Fauve painter. Shadbolt, Doris. The Art of Emily Carr. Univ. of Washington reprint, 1988. A critical commentary on Carr's painting with some biographical background. Shanes, Eric. Turner's Picturesque Views in England and Wales, 1825-1838. Harper & Row, 1979. Engrvings and luminous watercolors with commentary. Shelton, Suzanne. Ruth St. Denis. University of Texas, 1990. Biography of the unusual life of an early liberated woman, the founder of modern dance. Spies, Werner. Albers. Abrams. Compact, but very informative with information on Albers' aesthetics; well illustrated. Spring, Justin. Wolf Kahn. Abrams, 1996. This one is a beauty and the story of Kahn's development is interesting. Stendahl, Renate. Gertrude Stein in Words & Pictures: A Photobiography. Thames & Hudson, 1995. The salon, Paris in the 20s, paintings, famous friends and much more. Stieglitz, Alfred. Georgia O'Keeffe: A Portrait. Viking, 1978. An amazing collection of photographs of the artist. Stein, Gertrude. Picasso. Dover, 1984. Stein's unique slant on the volatile Picasso. Stolwijk, Chris and Richard Thomson. Theo van Gogh. Amsterdam, 1999. Art dealer, collector and brother of Vincent. A wonderful biography gloriously illustrated. Streep, Peg. Cowgirl Rising: The Art of Donna Howell Sickels. Greenwich Workshop, 1997. One of my favorite contemporary artists, an excellent designer. Tagget & Schwarz. Paintbrushes and Pistols. Muir, 1990. The Taos Artists Societ--the story of how railroads and artists got together to sell the West. Taylor, Hilary. James McNeill Whistler. Tabard Press, 1978. Biography and beautiful illustrations. Terenzio, Stephanie. The Collected Writings of Robert Motherwell. University of California, 1999. Very thought-provoking words from one of the leaders of the Abstraction Expressionists. Thom, Ian and Charles Hill, ed. Emily Carr. Douglas & McIntyre, 2006. The best and newest of the Carr books, with historical background and wonderful reproductions of her artwork. Truitt, Anne. Daybook: The Journal of an Artist. Viking, 1984. My favorite of all of Truitt's journals, especially relevant to women: reconciling art and a woman's life. Truitt, Anne. Turn: The Journal of an Artist. Penguin, 1997. A woman artist continues her quest for a balanced life. Truitt, Anne. Prospect: The Journey of an Artist. Penguin, 1997. Luminous reflections on the forces that shape a woman's life. Tucker, Paul. Monet in the 90s: The Series Paintings. Yale, 1992. Exhibition catalogue of a magnificent exhibition. Turner, Elizabeth. Georgia O'Keeffe: The Poetry of Things. Phillips Collection, 1999. Beautiful exhibition of still lifes. Udall, Sharyn. O'Keeffe and Texas. McNay, 1998. Describes the less-known period of O'Keeffe's life, illustrated by the early watercolors. van Gogh by van Gogh. Search ABEbooks Knopf, 1990. One of a series of eight small books, beautifully illustrated, with commentary from the writings of the artists. van Gogh, Vincent. The Complete Letters of Vincent van Gogh . Bulfinch, 2000. With reproductions of all the drawings in the correspondence; helps to distinguish the man from the legend. van Gogh, Vincent. The Letters of Vincent van Gogh. Penguin, 1998. Excerpts from his letters, very poignant. Vollard, Ambroise. Cézanne. Dover, 1984. A portrait of Cézanne written by one of his contemporaries who once sat for a portrait by Cézanne. Warhol, Andy. Angels, Angels, Angels. Bulfinch, 1994. Fun little book of Warhol line drawings. Weelen, Guy. J.M.W. Turner. Alpine, 1982. Detailed information in illustrations, relating life, techniques and art.. Werner, Alfred. Degas Pastels. Watson-Guptill, 1999. Beautiful examples of a master of pastel. Whelan, Richard. Alfred Stieglitz: A Biography. Little Brown, 1995. Now you know the rest of the story. Interesting to see this side of the husband of Georgia O'Keeffe. Whistler, James A.M. The Gentle Art of Making Enemies. Dover, 1967. Great little book; Whistler's wit has a razor-edge. Whitfield, Sarah (ed). Bonnard. Abrams, 1998. Beautiful collection, interesting commentary. Whitford, Frank. Kandinsky. Search ABEbooks Hamlyn, 1967. His life and art. Whitford, Frank. Kandinsky: Watercolours & Other Works on Paper. Thames & Hudson, 1999. Interesting collection, many I hadn't seen before. Wilton, Andrew. J.M.W. Turner: His Art & Life. Rizzoli, 1979. Comprehensive, beautiful book; includes catalogues of his watercolors and paintings.. Wilton, Andrew. Turner & the Sublime. University of Chicago, 1981. Turner's interpretation of the aesthetic theory of the sublime. Wyeth, Betsy. Wyeth at Kuerners. Houghton Mifflin, 1976. Big book of Wyeth notes, drawings and paintings at the Kuerner farm in Pennsylvania. Wyeth, Andrew, et al. Unknown Terrain: The Landscapes of Andrew Wyeth. Whitney Museum, 1998. Some wonderful paintings I hadn't seen before from an exhibition at the Whitney. |
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