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Albert, Calvin & Dorothy Seckler. Figure Drawing Comes to Life. Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1957. Exciting approach to form and motion. Albert, Greg & Rachel Wolf. Basic Drawing Techniques. North Light, 1991. Good basic book: materials, techniques, subjects. Albert & Wolf. Basic Figure Drawing Techniques. North Light, 1994. Good beginning book. Arthur, John. Realist Drawings & Watercolors. New York Graphics Society, 1980. 50 contemporary artists--an outstanding collection. Bagnall, Brian. Creative Drawing and Painting. North Light, n.d. Richly illustrated with examples in all media. Betti, Claudia & Teel Sale. Drawing: A Contemporary Approach. HBJ, 1998. New ideas for drawing, examples from modern art. Brommer, Gerald. Drawing: Ideas, Materials and Techniques. Davis, 1972. Illustrated with many creative examples. Brookes, Mona. Drawing With Children: A Creative Method for Adult Beginners, Too. Tarcher, 1996. A different approach to teaching drawing. Calder, Alexander. Animal Sketching. Dover, 1985. A lovely little sketchbook with simple instructions. Camp, Jeffery. Draw: How to Master the Art. 1993. Heavily illustrated with many different techniques and subjects. Carbonetti, Jeanne. The Yoga of Drawing: Uniting Body, Mind and Spirit With the Art of Drawing. Watson-Guptill, 1998. Drawing mixed with popular Eastern philosophy. Chaet, Bernard. The Art of Drawing. Harcourt, 1983. Beautifully illustrated with lessons from drawings of the Masters. Clifford, Judy. Drawing Your Baby Watson-Guptill, 1990. Babies' and toddlers' gestures, anatomy and expressions in various media. Cooper, Mario. The Art of Drapery: Styles and Techniques for Artists. Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1983. Representing draped fabrics in figure and still-life art. Cornell, Judith. Drawing the Light From Within: Keys to Awaken Your Creative Power. Theosophical, 1997. Freeing your creative energy through drawing. Cossman, Howard. Drawing and Painting Cats In Pencil, Ink, Markers and Watercolor. Watson-Guptill, 1984. Good reference for painters of felines in different media. D'Amelio, Joseph. Perspective Drawing Handbook. John Wiley, 1984. One of the best perspective books I've found. Dodson, Bert. Keys to Drawing. North Light, 2000. My favorite drawing book: comprehensive, with projects and self-evaluation. Dodson, Bert. Keys to Drawing With Imagination. North Light, 2006. Strategies and Exercises for Gaining Confidence and Enhancing Your Creativity. My new favorite drawing book: includes creative drawing ideas and many examples. Douet, Valerie, ed. Drawing for Pleasure. North Light, 1992. Lessons from artist's sketchbooks. Dvorak, Robert. Drawing Without Fear. Inkwell, 1997. Builds up your courage to try--you can do it! Dvorak, Robert. Experiential Drawing. Crisp, 1991. Intriguing approach. Edwards, Betty. Drawing on the Artist Within: An Inspirational and Practical Guide to Increasing Your Creative Powers. Fireside, 1987. Expanding Edwards' ideas in right-brain drawing. Edwards, Betty. The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain: A Course in Enhancing Creativity and Artistic Confidence. Tarcher, 1999. You can teach yourself to draw with this book. Yes, you can! Ellenberger, et al. An Atlas of Animal Anatomy. Dover, 1980. Skeleton, musculature, different views of animal anatomy. Faigin, Gary. The Artist's Complete Guide to Facial Expression. Watson-Guptill, 1990. A remarkable reference for expressing emotions in facial expression. Fincher, Susanne. Creating Mandalas. Shambhala, 1991. An easy guide to color and number symbols in mandalas. Franck, Frederick. Art as a Way: A Return to the Spiritual Roots. Crossroad, 1981. Franck's sensitive drawings are good examples for any skill level. Franck, Frederick. The Awakened Eye. Random House, 1978. A companion volume to the zen of seeing: seeing, drawing as meditation. Franck, Frederick. My Eye Is in Love. Search ABEbooks Macmillan, 1963. Spiritual drawing, includes workshop exercises. Franck, Frederick. Zen Seeing, Zen Drawing: Meditation In Action. Bantam, 1993. Experience your subject through concentration and meditation. Franck, Frederick. The Zen of Seeing: Seeing Drawing As Meditation. Random House, 1973. I love this one--and all Franck's other books, too. Furth, Gregg M. The Secret World of Drawings: Healing Through Art. Sigo, 1989. Using drawing to explore the unconscious. Goldstein, Nathan. The Art of Responsive Drawing. Prentice Hall, 1998. Excellent course in drawing. Guptill, Arthur. Color in Sketching & Rendering. Reinhold, 1949. A nifty old guide for architects. Hale, Robert Beverly and Paul Richer. Artistic Anatomy. Watson-Guptill, 1986. A technical classic with diagrams of skeleton and musculature. Hale, Robert Beverly. Drawing Lessons From the Great Masters. Watson-Guptill, 1989. Excellent book, a great teaching technique. Hamm, Jack. Drawing the Head & Figure. Perigee, 1983. Complete, easy guide with diagrams for proportions. Hamm, Jack. First Lessons in Drawing and Painting. Perigree, 1988. A complete and easy guide. Hamm, Jack. How to Draw Animals. Perigree, 1982. Simple, clear instruction. Hammond, Lee. Draw NASCAR. Watson-Guptill, 2004. A lot of great drawing instruction for colored pencil. You'll learn a lot about auto racing, too! Hammond, Lee. How to Draw Lifelike Portraits from Photographs by Lee Hammond uses simple materials and a simple method based on blending of soft pencil strokes to create form and volume in the human face. Henning, Fritz. Drawing and Painting Animals. Search ABEbooks North Light, 1981. Materials and techniques with great examples. Henning, Fritz. Drawing and Painting With Ink. North Light, 1986. Explores ink techniques in exciting ways with fine examples. Hoddinott, Brenda. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Drawing People. Alpha, 2004. Easy guide to drawing people. Hoddinott, Brenda. Drawing for Dummies. John Wiley, 2003. A fun and painless way to explore drawing. Hogarth, Burne. Drawing the Human Head. Watson-Guptill, 1989. Achieving three-dimensions in drawing the head. Hogarth, Burne. Dynamic Anatomy. Watson-Guptill, 1990. Expressing volume and proportion with the figure. Howard, Rob. The Illustrator's Bible: The Complete Sourcebook of Tips, Tricks, and Time-Saving Techniques in Oil, Alkyd, Acrylic, Gouache, Casein, Watercolor, Dyes, Inks, Airbrush, Scratchboard, Pastel, Colored Pencil, and Mixed Media. Watson-Guptill, 1992. Great studio handbook, especially for commercial art techniques. Johnson, Cathy. The Sierra Club Guide to Sketching in Nature. Sierra Club, 1997. Equipment and techniques, very thorough. Johnson, Mia. Teach Your Child to Draw. Lowell, 1990. Bringing out your child's talents and appreciation for art. Katchen, Carole. Figure Drawing Workshop. Watson-Guptill, 1985. How to make inspiring figure drawings in all media with examples from several artists. Knapp, Stephen. Creative Inspirations: A Collection of Drawing and Painting Ideas for Artists. Rockport, 1997. Exciting selections of contemporary paintings. Knapp, Stephen. Landscape Inspirations: A Collection of Drawing and Painting Ideas for Artists. Rockport, 1997. A beautiful collection of contemporary art. Kaupelis, Robert. Learning to Draw: A Creative Approach to Expressive Drawing. Watson-Guptill, 1989. Stimulating ideas and techniques for creative drawing. Kaupelis, Robert. Experimental Drawing. Watson-Guptill, 1992. Kenin, Richard. The Art of Drawing: From the Dawn of History to the Era of the Impressionists. Paddington, 1974. Great examples from the British Museum. Leslie, Clare Walker. Nature Drawing: A Tool for Learning. Kendall Hunt, 1995. Materials and techniques with animals, birds and botanicals. Loomis, Andrew. Creative Illustration. Search ABEbooks Viking, 1961. A timeless book for illustrators, very hard to find. Loomis, Andrew. Fun With a Pencil. Viking, 1969. I learned to draw from this book when I was a kid. Maltzman, Stanley. Drawing Trees Step-by-Step. North Light, 2000. An excellent book--reminds me of Kautzky's wonderful tree books. Marks, Claude. From the Sketchbooks of the Great Artists. Thomas Crown, 1972. Instructive drawings from the Masters. Mayer, Ralph. The Artist's Handbook of Materials and Techniques. Fifth ed. Viking, 1991. A technical reference all serious artists should be familiar with. Meglin, Nick. Drawing From Within: Unleashing Your Creative Potential. Warner, 1999. A new approach, very doable with easy projects. Mendelowitz, Daniel. A Guide to Drawing. HBJ, 1997. Excellent book, beautifully illustrated. Messer, Mari. Pencil Dancing. Walking Stick Press, 2001. New Ways to free your creative spirit. I love the title, too! Metzger, Phil. The Artist's Illustrated Encylopedia: Techniques, Materials & Terms. North Light, 2001. A comprehensive reference, lavishly illustrated with contemporary art works, photographs and charts. Metzger, Phil. Perspective Without Pain. North Light, 1992. Good how-to book. Muybridge, Eadweard. The Human Figure in Motion. Dover, 1989. Hundreds of reference photos of the human figure. Nice, Claudia. How to Keep a Sketchbook Journal. North Light, 2001. Filled with ideas for sketching in nature and recording your creative thoughts. Nicolaides, Kimon. The Natural Way to Draw: A Working Plan for Art Study. Houghton-Mifflin, 1990. A classic course in drawing. Norling, Ernest. Perspective Made Easy. Dover, 1999. One of the best books for artists on basic perspective. Norton, John. Painting & Drawing Children. Watson-Guptill, 1979. Anatomy and features in different media. Oelke, Barbara. Drawing and Painting Horses. Watson-Guptill, 2000. The art of the equine form in different media. Paul, Stephen, ed. Illustrator's Figure Reference Manual. Bloomsbury, 1997. Hundreds of photos of men, women and children engaged in different activities. Pitz, Henry. How to Use the Figure in Painting & Illustration.Search ABEbooks Watson-Guptill, 1968. Powell, William. Perspective. Walter Foster, 1990. A simple guide to perspective. Prohaska, Ray. A Basic Course in Design. North Light, 1980. Introduction to drawing and painting with doable projects. Rankin, David. Fast Sketching Techniques. North Light, 2000. The quick-draw method of sketching. Rubins, David. The Human Figure. Penguin, 1976. Artistic anatomy--a simple guide to structure. Ruskin, John. The Elements of Drawing. Watson-Guptill, 1997. Reprint of an old, classic drawing text. Savitt, Sam. Draw Horses With Sam Savitt. Murray, 1991. Different breeds, motion studies, tack, and dore--excellent book. Scheidig, Walther. Rembrandt's Drawings. <Search ABEbooks Boston Book, 1965. Great collection of Rembrandt's drawings. Schider, Fritz. An Atlas of Anatomy for Artists. Dover, 1981. Diagrams and photos of the skeleton and musculature. Simmons, Seymour. Drawing: The Creative Process. Prentice-Hall, 1977. Excellent course utilizing art history. Simon, Howard. Techniques of drawing. Dover, 1972. Simple drawing lessons. Smith, Stan, ed. The Artist's Manual. Mayflower, 1980. Equipment, materials and techniques. Includes painting, drawing, graphic design and sculpture. Smith, Stan. Drawing and Sketching. Chartwell, 1996. Very thorough in a variety of media. Stanyer, Peter and Terry Rosenberg. Foundation Course in Drawing. Watson-Guptill, 2003. All you'll ever need to know about drawing in one book.
Suffudy, Mary. Sketching Techniques. Watson-Guptill, 1985. Delightful approach to sketching. Taylor, Richard. The Creative Drawing Course. David & Charles, 2002. Explains different drawing styles, lots of good examples. See also my favorite drawing book, Bert Dodson's Keys to Drawing. Warhol, Andy. Angels, Angels, Angels. Bulfinch, 1994. Fun little book of Warhol line drawings. Watson, Ernest. Sketch Diary. Reinhold, 1965. Instructive text with examples from Watson's sketchbook in pencil and watercolor.
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