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Adler, Mortimer. How to Speak, How to Listen. Collier, 1997. Effective communication for everyone. Andrews, Ted. Animal-Speak: The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small. Llewellyn, 1997. Dictionary of animal symbolism. Aslett, Don. Clutter's Last Stand. Writer's Digest, 1984. Go clean your studio! (Collage artists, are you listening?) Bender, Sue. Plain and Simple: A Woman's Journey to the Amish. HarperCollins, 1989. Leaving behind the frenzied life for a simpler way. Bennett, William. The Book of Virtues. Simon & Schuster, 1993. A treasury of great moral stories. Barks, Coleman, tr. The Illuminated Rumi. Broadway, 1997. Beautifully designed and illustrated version of Rumi's mystical poetry. Borysenko, Joan. Fire in the Soul. Time Warner, 1994. A new psychology of spiritual optimism. Borysenko, Joan. Minding the Body, Mending the Mind. Bantam, 1993. Solving difficulties by caring for your Self. Briggs, John. Fractals: The Patterns of Chaos. Simon & Schuster, 1992. Discovering a new aesthetic of art, science and nature. Capacchione, Lucia. Picture of Health: Healing Yourself With Art. Newcastle, 1996. Visualization and attitude adjustment through art. Chopra, Deepak. Seven Spiritual Laws of Success. Amber-Allen, 1995. A practical guide to the fulfillment of your dreams. Clifton, John. Conservation and Restoration of Paintings: An Introduction. McFarland, 1988. Technical process of art conservation. Close, Burt. How to Create Super Slide Shows for Fun and Profit. Ideas for selecting slides and organizing a presentation, making titles, automating and more. Cooper, J.C. Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols. Thames & Hudson, 1979. Good reference for artists who use symbols in their work. Cooper, Mario. The Art of Drapery: Styles and Techniques for Artists. Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1983. Representing draped fabrics in figure and still-life art. Cornelius & Devereux. The Secret Language of the Stars & Planets. Pavilion, 1996. A visual key to celestial mysteries. Cornell, Judith. Mandala: Luminous symbols for Healing. Quest, 1995. Drawing mandalas as spiritual meditation. Craig, Diana. A Miscellany of Artists' Wisdom. Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1983. Tips and tricks throughout the history of art. Crofton, Ian. A Dictionary of Art Quotations. MacMillan, 1988. Many artists and all art subjects represented. Cunkle & Jacquemain. Stone Magic of the Ancients. Golden West, 1995. Petroglyphs, shamanic shrine sites and ancient rituals. Elliott, William. Tying Rocks to Clouds: Meetings and Conversations With Wise and Spiritual People.. Doubleday, 1996. Conversations wih extraordinary people on the meaning of life. Fadiman and Major. The New Lifetime Reading Plan. HarperCollins, 1997. Descriptions of classics in literature and philosophy from the Middle Ages to contemporary writings--a good resource for reading selection. Fitzhenry, Robert, ed. The Harper Book of Quotations. Harper, 1999. Pithy quotes on many subjects--entertaining reading. Flack, Audrey. Art & Soul: Notes on Creating. Dutton, 1991. Perceptive sayings on a variety of subjects--very quotable. Flack, Audrey. The Daily Muse. Abrams, 1989. Inspirational quotes for artists. Fontana, David. The Secret Language of Dreams. Chronicle, 1994. The visual key to dream symbols and their meanings. Fontana, David. The Secret Language of Symbols. Chronicle, 1994. The visual key to symbols and their meanings. Feigen, Richard. Tales From the Art Crypt. Knopf, 2000. A fascinating look behind-the-scenes at the painters, the museums, the curators, the collectors, the auctions, the art. Franck, Frederick. Art as a Way: A Return to the Spiritual Roots. Crossroad, 1981. Art as a spiritual journey. Franck, Frederick. EveryOne: The Timeless Myth of Everyman Reborn. Doubleday, 1978. A shout of affirmation. Franck, Frederick. Messenger of the Heart: The Book of Angelus Silesius. Crossroads, 1982. Spiritual bridge between East & West. Furth, Gregg M. The Secret World of Drawings: Healing Through Art. Sigo, 1989. Using drawing to explore the unconscious. Gill, Brendan. Late Bloomers. Artisan, 1996. Inspirational--it's never too late to create! Gottsegen, Mark David. The Painter's Handbook: Revised and Expanded. Watson-Guptill, 2006. Graham, Lanier, ed. The Rainbow Book. Random House, 1979. A collection of essays and illustrations devoted to rainbows and spectral sequences. Griffin & McCann. The Book of Women. Adams, 1995. 300 notable women history passed by. Gross & Shapiro. Tao of Photography. Ten Speed, 2001. A remarkable blend of Taoist philosophy and black-and-white photography. Hamilton, James. Turner and the Scientists. Tate Gallery, 1998. Turner's art in the industrial revolution. Hanh, Thich Nhat. The Miracle of Mindfulness. Beacon, 1987. A manual on meditation. Hart, Russell. Photographing Your Artwork. North Light, 1992. The best book I've ever found on photographing art. Hastings, Arthur. With the Tongues of Men and Angels. Holt, Rinehart, Winston, 1999. A study of channeling. Herbert, Nick. Quantum Reality: The New Physics. Anchor, 1987. An understandable layman's guide to quantum physics. Hope, Jane. The Secret Language of the Soul. Chronicle, 1997. A visual guide to the spiritual world. Hoving, Thomas. Art for Dummies. IDG, 1999. Amazingly informative and entertaining, as well. Hume, Helen. The Art Teacher's Book of Lists. Prentice Hall, 1998. Amazing resource for teachers and artists who do demos and lectures. Kristan, Pamela. The Spirit of Getting Organized Use life's everyday details to become more effective, engaged and aware: 12 skills to find meaning and power in your stuff. Jung, C.G. Mandala Symbolism. Princeton, 1973. Jung's psychological interpretation of symbols in his patients' mandala art. Laing, John & David Wire. The Encyclopedia of Signs and Symbols. Crescent, 1993. Good reference with 2500 symbolic images. Langer, Ellen. Mindfulness. Addison-Wesley, 1989. Importance of focus and awareness. Lehrman, Lew. Being An Artist. North Light, 1992. Insights of 20 artists on the artist's life. Leland, Kurt. Otherwhere: A Field Guide to Nonphysical Reality for the Out-of-body Traveler. Hampton Roads, 2002. My son's adventures in the parallel universe. Leland, Kurt. The Unanswered Question: Death, Near-death and the Afterlife. Hampton Roads, 2002. A comparison of The Tibetan Book of the Dead, the Egyptian Book of the Dead and the near-death experience. Macbeth, Jessica. Moon Over Water. Gateway, 1990. Meditation made clear with techniques for beginners and initiates. McGrath & Krauss. A Child's History of America. Little Brown, n.d. Delightful drawings & paintings from all ages with commentary by the children. Mails, Thomas. Secret Native American Pathways: A Guide to Inner Peace. Council Oaks, 1988. Using ancient power sources to solve personal problems today. Masceti, Manuela. Haiku: The Poetry of Zen. Hyperion, 1996. This poetic book is a little treasure and bears reading over and over again. Lovely illustrations, too. Metzger, Phil. The North Light Artist's Guide to Materials and Techniques. North Light, 1996. Up-to-date resource. Noble, Alexander, ed. The Little Book of Sayings of Oscar Wilde. Search ABEbooks Paragon, 2000. A sample: "The moment that an artist takes notice of what other people want, and tries to supply the demand, he ceases to be an artist." Patterson, Alex. A Field Guide to Rock Art Symbols of the Greater Southwest. Johnson, 1992. Good guide to primitive rock art. Peter, Laurence. Quotations: Ideas for our Time. Quill, 1992. All subjects, quotes from Socrates to Yogi Berra. Roberts, Jane. The Nature of Personal Reality. Amber-Allen, 1994. Specific practical techniques for solving everyday problems and enriching the life you know. Roukes, Nicholas. Humor in Art: A Celebration of Visual Wit. Davis, 1997. Wonderfully witty, creative works. Sacks, Oliver. Island of the Color Blind. Random House, 1998. A fascinating account of a voyage of discovery. Saitzyk, Steven. Art Hardware: The Definitive Guide to Artist's Materials. Watson-Guptill, 1987. Materials and equipment, safety issues. Sayre, Henry. Writing About Art. Prentice Hall, 1998. A small, concise book on art review and critique. Seckel, Al. Incredible Visual Illusions, subtitled "You Won't Believe Your Eyes." Eagle Editions, 2003. An amazing collection of optical illusions. Shlain, Leonard. Art & Physics: Parallel Visions in Space, Time, and Light. Quill, 1993. Interesting spin on things that appeared in art before science took note of them. Thompson, Janean. Matting and Framing Made Easy: Step-By-Step, Easy-To-Master Techniques for the Beginning Framer. Watson-Guptill, 1996. A helpful guide to framing. Trefil, James. Space--Time--Infinity. Smithsonian, 1985. Glorious views of the Universe. Tressider, Megan. The Secret Language of Love. Duncan Baird, 1997. The many moods of the heart around the world and through the ages. Turner, Jacques. Brushes: A Handbook for Artists and Artisans. Design, 1996. Good guide to brushes. Turner, Silvie. Which Paper?: A Guide to Choosing and Using Fine Papers for Artists, Craftspeople and Designers. Design, 1991. Very useful descriptions of many papers. Weaver, Frances. I'm Not As Old As I Used To Be. Hyperion, 1998. Reclaiming your life in the second half--entertaining and practical advice. Whelan, Guy. The Book of Rainbows. First Glance, 1997. Rainbows in art, science and mythology. Wolf, Fred. Parallel Universes: The Search for Other Worlds. Simon & Schuster, 1988. Speculations on physics, relativity and personal reality. Wolf, Fred. Taking the Quantum Leap. HarperCollins, 1988. Layman's guide to the new physics. Wolf, Rachel. Art From the Parks. North Light, 2000. A beautiful collection of art from the national parks competitions. Wypijewski, JoAnn. Painting by Numbers: Komar & Melamid's Scientific Guide to Art. Farrar, Strauss, 1997. Strange study of what modern cultures prefer in fine art. Zukav, Gary. The Dancing Wu Li Masters. Bantam, 1994. Layman's reference for the new physics. Zukav, Gary. The Seat of the Soul. Fireside, 1990. A new theory of personal reality: evolution of the soul.
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