Watercolor Workshop stresses creativity, personal expression and individual development. My emphasis is usually on color, but lessons may include traditional or creative watercolor, design, color mixing and theory, atmospheric effects and other watercolor techniques. There is no pressure to perform; you'll work at your own level and I'll help you find your style and build on your strengths. You'll benefit from digital presentations, helpful critiques and individual consultations. Bring one or two finished pieces for critique. Use your own sketches, setups or photos.
Here are some suggested materials:
- Brushes: 3/4-1" sabeline or blend one-stroke flat; #8 pointed round; 2" flat wash; 1/2" stiff bristle; old toothbrush; #4 or #6 rigger
- 5-10 sheets of 140#-300# cold-press watercolor paper, block, or pad (Arches, Fabriano or Winsor & Newton); cut 11"x14" or larger
- artists' tube colors: French Ultramarine; Winsor or Phthalo Blue (Green Shade or Red Shade); Cerulean; Cobalt Blue; Aureolin; New Gamboge or Indian Yellow; Winsor or Cadmium Lemon (Do NOT use nickel titanate lemon yellow.); Alizarin Crimson; Winsor Red, Cadmium Red, Grumbacher Red or Holbein Permanent Red; Cadmium Scarlet or Scarlet Lake; Rose Madder Genuine (Winsor & Newton ONLY); Quinacridone Magenta; Winsor Violet or Dioxazine Violet; Raw Sienna or Quinacridone Gold; Burnt Sienna; Brown Madder; Indian Red; Indigo; Payne's Gray; and/or your personal favorites
- white watercolor palette-- 12" or larger with cover (Speedball ColorWheel is nice if you need a new palette); 2 large, unbreakable water containers; tissues or paper towels, dull pocket knife, HB drawing pencil, white plastic eraser, sketch pad, small natural sponge, spray bottle, drafting tape, hair dryer, masking fluid
- optional, for textural or experimental effects (not needed for color workshops): India ink, acrylic matte medium, alcohol, colored pencils [wax or watercolor], gesso, oil pastel, paraffin, plastic wrap, rice paper, rubber cement, salt, sponges, old file folder, wax paper
What students say about Watercolor Workshop:
- "My painting has been much better since you gave me the encouragement I needed."
- "This workshop has been an important stepping stone in my art."
- "Thanks for the professional and productive watercolor workshop."
- "We're all excited about using our new knowledge in our future paintings."
