You can have extraordinary color in your artwork. In Exploring Color Workshops, learn basic color principles and characteristics of paint, including color mixing and compatible harmony pigments. Confident Color classes may include color schemes, color and light, color contrasts, expanded palettes and/or color design. Learn to use color inventively and expressively in your paintings. Work from your own sketches, setups and photos. Projects are based on Exploring Color, Confident Color, and on the Nita Leland Color Scheme Selector. Digital presentations and individual consultations are available. Bring one or two paintings for a helpful critique. Note: Exploring Color Workshops are also available for fiber artists.
- 10-16 halfsheets of good watercolor paper (Arches, Fabriano or Winsor & Newton) and/or 9" x 12" watercolor sketchbook
- 1/2" synthetic aquarelle brush
- white palette, 12" or larger, with lid (Speedball ColorWheel Palette is great for Exploring Color)
- sketchbook or notebook
- Pelikan waterproof India ink (and an old 1/2" brush)
- 1/2" drafting tape, small natural sponge, ruler
- artist's quality paints
- Your usual painting gear
- Recommended Colors
What students say about Exploring Color Workshop:
- "Your class on color was incredibly helpful and so important to painters."
- "Your approach to colors and paints makes more sense than any others I have seen."
- "The in-depth study of color and charts make a valuable experience."
- "Now I understand how a limited palette creates a harmonious color plan."
- "I'm still seeing spots before my eyes, only now I know what color they are!"
